Oh hi! Thanks for swinging by.
My name’s Emma Mitra, and words are kind of my thing.
Web content, blogs, articles, brochures, social posts, search ads, apps, newsletters, white papers, Alexa dialogue and good ol’ direct mail: you name the channel, I’ve (probably) written copy for it.
Before going freelance full time, I was the Editorial Lead at Aviva. Me and my team of copywriters made insurance and investments accessible and interesting, working across the UK website, apps and digital campaigns.
Prior to that, I worked for STA Travel, where I edited the weekly newsletter, ran social media campaigns, produced some cracking blog content and managed the eCRM strategy for four global divisions.
Since going it alone, I’ve written for clients like the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), Rough Guides, Discover the World and Aviva (hey, I’m rubbish at goodbyes), as well as a couple of small businesses.
When I’m not working, you’ll find me attempting to raise two small humans, obsessing over celebrities (the more z-list, the better) and binging on Netflix with my husband in a house we built ourselves (true story).